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。時值立冬时节,天氣明顯有所轉涼,但這天天公作美,陽光燦爛,天氣難得的溫暖舒適,熙熙攘攘的人群更讓動物園顯得格外熱鬧。看到有的動物們在園內懶洋洋地曬著太陽,有的在悠閒地漫步,也有的在自顧自地享用著美餐,老人們都饒有興趣地駐足觀望,還時不時拿出手中的相機,拍照發送給自己的家人,同他們分享自己的快樂。 「更多詳情請致電:720-390-5697,或登錄網站:

On November 8, Happy Living Adult Daycare took all the elderly to visit the Denver zoo. It was the start of winter, and the weather was obviously cooler, but it was a beautiful, sunny day, unusually warm and comfortable. The zoo was especially bustling with people. Seeing some animals basking in the sun lazily in the park, some walking leisurely, and some enjoying a delicious meal, the old people all stop and watch with interest, and took pictures send to their family members to share their happiness. 「For more information, please call: 720-390-5697, or visit:

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